14-54 Pizzeria Now Open!

Neapolitan pizza with a twist. Coffees, beers, affogatos, and more. All available at 14-54 in Towada, Aomori!
14-54 Pizzeria Now Open!

Neapolitan pizza with a twist.
Coffees, beers, affogatos, and more.
All available at 14-54 in Towada, Aomori!

Neapolitan-Style Crust

Our crust is made from the best Tipo "00" pizza flour—the flour of Naples, the birthplace of pizza, using three simple ingredients: flour, water, and yeast.

DOP-Grade Italian Ingredients

We source our cured meats and cheeses from Italy, most of them DOP-certified, bringing an authentic taste of Italy straight to Aomori.

Locally Sourced Herbs & Veggies

We source many of our herbs and vegetables from local producers or grow them ourselves. Aomori grows some of Japan's tastiest veggies, and we love using them on our pizzas.

Lovingly Wood-Fired

Every pizza is lovingly kneaded, balled, and fermented by hand. We hand-stretch every pizza before firing it in our wood-burning oven to make the most of the fresh, smoky flavors.